Feline and Furball with Feathers Friday

I may just blog photos of Pickle cat at the lake for a while. We had such a good time and he traveled so well. I’ve thrown in towel on getting Pickle to eat k/d chicken wet food and he’s now on k/d dry food. Score one for Pickle but the goal really is to ensure he continues to eat something that is good for his failing kidneys. K/d anything is good.

Welcome to Feline and Furball with Feathers Friday!

Last week Goodbear said hello and on her blog is a puppy named Pickles! Yay! Cuidado had cats Bella and Kenz waiting for some attention. Theresa photographed cat Angel and bird Puff together! Too close for Puffs liking. Carly, cat Elvis, stopped in. Karen took dog Pepper to the dog park. Her other dog Tuffy could not make it. Pepper made friends!

A great bunch of cats, dogs, puppies and one bird!

Drop off your links for next week. No time lines, just by next Friday. Show off your feline or furball for Friday cause it’s the day for those pets!

6 Responses to “Feline and Furball with Feathers Friday”

  1. Pickle looks very content.

    Abby is out of the E-Collar, and back on the perch:

  2. pickle is a cat with a very charming life, from the look of things!

    thanks for the mention!

  3. That is one very relaxed looking cat. Why not! He’s on vacation! Here’s Bella looking relaxed as well. She doesn’t like the camera but is too hot to get up and run away.


  4. I would love to know how you got Pickle to sit so very calmly for these pictures by the lake.

    Eclipse is finally back for a Feline Friday post showing off her curled up sleeping skills.

  5. […] Got back late from the city tonight hence the late update. Feline and furball friday tomorrow. […]

  6. […] Friday Time! Pickle cat in the sunshine earlier this evening. Last week Theresa asked how I got Pickle to pose so calmly by the lake. I let the cat be a cat for nearly an […]

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