Just One Tonight

Just one butterfly tonight as I did not feel like rushing the post processing two nights in a row. Taking the photo is the first step, editing is the second, followed by review. It’s important to review as so often I rush through into the next day’s images. Spend time with the photos as everything you do right is there along with everything done wrong. So far I’m still pleased as punch with yesterday’s shoot. I’ll go looking for fault tomorrow.

Oh, I’m getting a new camera. I’ll be keeping my S5 so things won’t change too much right away. If the shipping gods are favorable I could very well have it tomorrow. I’ll photograph it, you know the drill. It’s a step up from my S5 but then again I can make great photos with my phone.

Gear up, it’s DSLR time.

2 Responses to “Just One Tonight”

  1. I like this one, I like the subtleness of the colours. She’s perfect! you caught a bee unawares with his head in the nectar 🙂 The size of her to the bee is amazing.

  2. Sigh…

    My favorite color combination is yellow and pink. The colors here are so soft, not springlike, just easy on the eyes. I could see this one in a frame. It brings me nice thoughts. It looks like it was an extraordinary moment.

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